Launched by Prof. René Adam in 2006 and sponsored since October 2017 by Fondation A.R.CA.D- Aide et Recherche en CAncérologie Digestive- LMS Program is a prospective international database with more than 70 participating countries.
It focuses on patients operated for colorectal liver metastasis, whether resected or not.
Its objective is to collect on a multi-institutional basis the most significant data concerning the history, the treatment (chemotherapy, surgery, combined ablation) and the outcome of operated patients.
The final purpose is to evaluate patient outcomes and prognostic factors for resected patients, so as to define guidelines of optimal treatment and strategy.
LMS Program is opened to all centers across the world, whether private or public; no selection criteria will be applied regarding prior surgical experience and/ or size of the center. Investigators are requested to include all their operated patients consecutively and to provide their follow-up at long-term.

Register a center
To register a center, please send the following information to
- Center name
- Center postal address
- Zip code
- Country
- Principal investigator (PI) first name
- PI family name
- PI title (Pr/Dr/Mr/Mrs.)
- PI Email

Register as a co-investigator
To register as a co-investigator, please send the following information to
- Center name
- Name of the pre-registered center
- Center password
- Title (Pr/Dr/Mr/Mrs.)
- First name
- Family name
- Postal address
- Zip code
For any further information, please contact CHU Besançon at:
The LIVERMETSURVEY program run by A.R.CA.D Foundation has been supported since early 2018 by Susana, Dominique and Joseph-André METTEN. Susana was diagnosed with cancer that spread to liver; her final wish was to contribute to cancer research and increase the chances of remission,
even recovery, of future patients.